Omnyfy Platform Features
Features designed to create powerful product, service or booking solutions for B2B or B2C marketplaces

For Marketplace Owners
Vendor onboarding
Vendor management
Fees and Charges management
Service booking
Reporting & Analytics

For Vendors
Vendor stores
Customer engagement
Order fulfillment
Booking management
Receving payments

Front-End Features
Responsive, front-end
Designed for conversion
Multiple search methods
Customer dashboard
Mobile & Table Apps
Latest Features
Payment Gateways
Choose the payment gateway for your country or use our global marketplace payment solutions.

Assembly Pay
Marketplace payments solution for credit card and BPay payments support for Australia Only

Stripe Connect
Stripe offers Pay-In, Pay-Out and Vendor on boarding in one solution
Omnyfy as an agile company with a clear customer focus and attitude of ‘let’s find a solution’ will assist Australia Post deliver its single biggest event marketplace of the year, digitally to over 1000 small businesses across five states. I would have no hesitation in recommending Omnyfy as they are delivering a solution that has exceeded expectations and have always adapted quickly to the moving goals and requirements of the business.
Streamlined implementation delivered through a global network of verified partners.

10 Partners

9 Countries

1000+ Developers

Discovery enables Omnyfy and our partners to understand your needs, goals, business requirements, constraints, industry nuances and the transactions between buyers and sellers on your marketplace. Discovery can take from a single day through to several days and will dive into the detail of your marketplace.

Once we know what you want, Omnyfy or our partners will then begin the design and theming of your marketplace. What makes Omnyfy unique is our ability to customise and create completely bespoke marketplaces. We are not hindered by one or two themes – make your marketplace look and work the way you want.

Marketplaces work only when they are finely tuned to the specific industry niche or customer sector requirements.
Omnyfy, built on the powerful Magento 2 eCommerce platform, offers near limitless customisation potential. Omnyfy or our implementation partners will work with you to develop specifications and identify areas of customisation and then implement these for you.

Once your marketplace has been themed, customized and its functionality verified, you’re ready for launch. Omnyfy’s PaaS Infrastructure will be provisioned based on your selected deployment Tier (Essentials, Performance or Ultimate).
Your marketplace will be fully configured and integrated ready for vendor onboarding. This includes configuration for your payment gateway, verification of the vendor onboarding processes, verification of vendor subscriptions, end-to-end purchase or booking verification including refunds and returns checks.

After your marketplace has been deployed to the production PaaS environment, you are ready to on-board your vendors and begin selling live. We’re constantly updating our blog section with great tips and tricks on how to how to onboard vendors and ensure your marketplace is perfectly set for success regardless of the industry that you’re in.
Integrate your marketplace with payments, shipping, tax calculations and marketing solutions with these supported modules. Talk to us about custom integrations with enterprise or SaaS applications.

Global support for multiple marketplace payment methods.

Marketplace Shipping solved with our Australia Post Shipping Integration module for Australia

Sendgrid integration for managed, high-delivery rate email for your marketplace

Stripe Connect
Payout vendors and manage KYC and AML all with one integrated solution

SAP integration for Order Placement

Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Connector for email trigger and integrated content templates

Automatically calculate taxes per vendor for U.S. and European Marketplaces

SMS Global
Global SMS delivery for trasactional, booking confirmations and order SMS