How can Omnyfy be used to build a
Shopping Centre Marketplace
Shopping Centres and other physical precincts have experienced an ongoing impact on rental revenues with bricks and mortar retailers being impacted by eCommerce and online marketplace channels.
Online marketplaces can offer customers the ability to click-and-collect from multiple retailers at a shopping centre, in a single checkout or have the products collected by shopping centre concierge for same-day delivery to their home.
The key facets for a successful Shopping Centre Marketplace solutions are:
- Simplified retailer onboarding – making it extremely easy to onboard vendors on the marketplace and have them setup to receive orders and payments
- A simple method to receive orders, set orders as ready for collection and for delivery – Omnyfy has developed a purpose-built retailer iPad app that does just this.
- Seamless click and collect and home delivery capabilities with order management for both retailer and centre management
- Easy inventory management for retailers across one or multiple centres
- Streamlined payouts management to vendors so that they can receive their funds in a timely manner with minimal effort from centre staff
- The ability to offer multiple delivery mechanisms from multiple retailers including Click and Collect, Drive Through or Curbside Pickup and home delivery

Simplified retailer onboarding
Omnyfy makes it easy to onboard retailers onto your Shopping Centre Marketplace. Simply import your retailers or sign up new retailers using the seamless retailer registration form.
Once signed up, retailers can be approved to start selling. Upload logos, banners and their product information.
Once they’re setup simply complete their registration on Stripe, download the seller app from the Apple App Store and they can start receiving orders
Simple order processing
Processing orders is as simple as 1,2,3 and 4!
- Customers place orders on the marketplace and can shop from a single retailer or from multiple retailers in a single checkout
- Retailers receive an immediate notification when an order has been received
- Tap the order to view details, pick and pack the order and set it to “Ready for pickup“
- Once the order is picked up or collected by the delivery person, they tap the order again and set it to “Completed“
That’s it – as simple as that. Your retailers will be online order gurus in no time.

Easy fulfilment – click and collect or delivery
Give your centre customers multiple options for receiving their orders including click and collect and home delivery.
Omnyfy has partnered with Sherpa to develop an integrated shipping solution for Shopping Centres and Markets, enabling your customers to receive their shopping within 2 hours of being picked and packed.
Now that’s convenience!
Comprehensive inventory management
Omnyfy combines the powerful product catalogue solution of Magento 2 with our multi-vendor, multi-location inventory management solution enabling Shopping Centre owners to run almost any combination of fulfilment they require.
- Retailers with shops in multiple centres
- Retailers with shops in single centres
- Retailers with shopfront and warehouse inventory
- Ability to perform any combination of click and collect or delivery from these different locations
Inventory can be managed easily by your centre retailers themselves or integrated with their eCommerce or ERP systems for high-volume commerce.

Streamlined Payouts
Paying out your retailers in a timely manner is vital to ensure they retain good cashflow, while also ensuring that the process is as simple as possible on centre management.
Omnyfy provides integrated payout processing via Stripe Connect with seamless payout calculation and one-click processing.
Once orders are paid for by customers and are collected or delivered, Omnyfy’s Marketplace Commercials Management solution helps orchestrate the payout to your retailer which you can authorise and pay directly through the admin back-end.
Support for multiple delivery methods
Omnyfy’s Marketplace Solution for Shopping Centres and Markets provides support for multiple delivery methods ensuring that your customers have a choice and makes buying and receiving their shopping easy.
- Click and Collect
- Drive Through or Curbside Pickup
- Home Delivery